Who Am I ?

Hello! I’m Marie, a 24 year-old photographer from France. Welcome to my website!
Let’s start with some facts… I was born and raised in France, and after I graduated from high school I went to study in the United Kingdom. I lived there for five years, and it’s during that time that I developed my passion for photography. After I graduated from university, I moved out (again!) to Argentina, where I lived for a year. There I was able to get more experience with wildlife photography in the amazing region of Patagonia. Now, I am back in France, but thinking about where I’ll settle next… In the meantime, my biggest objective is to develop my activity as a photographer and show my work to the world. I also have a dog, Maïko, and he’s very cute. Head over to my blog if you want to see what he looks like!
My interest in photography goes back a long time. My first pictures were taken on a disposable camera when I was a child. Of course, primary school kids didn’t have phones back in those days, so for school trips my parents would buy me one of those Kodak cameras to take some pictures and make memories with the other kids. I remember the excitement of going to get the pictures printed at the store after the trip, only to find out that a lot of them either had a finger somewhere in the frame, were blurry or had a red-eye problem.
Today, I have a digital camera, which makes it harder to get your finger in the frame. When phones started to take higher-resolution pictures, I realised that I could start to compose and get more creative with photography. I bought my camera in 2019, a Nikon D3500 (great beginner camera), and it all went from there.
In the blog section of this website, I’ll tell you a bit more about my photography journey, and you’ll find travel tips and recommendations, stories about my pictures, the basics of photography, etc. I also invite you to have a look at my portfolio!
Enjoy the visit!
Marie :)
If you like my work, you can support me here: BUY ME A COFFEE ☕